If your download history is far more revealing than you’d like, then you can wipe the slate clean, using the following Terminal command:
Sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* ‘select LSQuarantineTimeStamp, LSQuarantineDataURLString from LSQuarantineEvent’ | php -r ‘date_default_timezone_set(“America/Montreal”) foreach (explode(“\n”, file_get_contents(“php://stdin”)) as $l) ’ If you’re curious and want to know the date and time of your earliest recorded download, then run the following Terminal command: The Terminal will now display a complete record of your download history.
Sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/* ‘select LSQuarantineDataURLString from LSQuarantineEvent’ You can check your Mac’s download history, using a simple Terminal command: See the complete list of everything you’ve ever downloaded